Having spent over a decade in IT, it's always been surprising how trusting people can be when it comes to their computer, smartphone, and technology and general. Unfortunately, online, this otherwise good quality translates into an easily exploitable trait by an unscrupulous bunch! In addition to explaining how to use various programs and online services, Login Tips will show you how to best safeguard your security on the web - protecting you from hackers, and from yourself :)
If you are interested in tech tips in a shorter format, check out "in 5 steps tutorials", a brand new site launched in summer 2015: any topic is covered in five steps or less, guaranteed!
Starting with the most popular websites and apps makes sense, but we intend on making this site the ultimate online reference for anything security-related that is tailored for the often forgotten "average user" - the normal person who isn't interested in computers beyond their function as a tool.
To start learning more about the online accounts you may already be using, please see our homepage, or our sitemap page to get a full listing of all our tutorials! If you are ever unsure about anything online, it's best not to share that information - and if you have a specific question, never hesitate to contact us! (While we can't guarantee that we'll include any tutorial you request, or respond to every individual one-on-one support, know that we read all messages you send us :)